1. Register to Attend In-Person
(Continuing Education included)
Registration price for your first participant is $799.00 on or before August 25. After the August 25 deadline, the price is $899.
Registration price for each additional participant is $599.00 on or before August 25. After the August 25 deadline, the price is $649.
Registration includes admission to all meeting sessions, hospitality breaks, two breakfasts and two lunches. While we appreciate and strongly encourage registrations be submitted prior to the meeting, registrations also will be accepted onsite during the meeting. Simply come to Selected’s Registration area at the hotel for assistance.
Selected understands continuing education (CE) credit is a top priority for many members, so CE also is provided as part of your in-person meeting registration. Selected has been approved by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice for 9.0 contact hours of continuing education credit, which equals 0.9 CE Units in Category B (provider #10240) and has applied to all states requiring CE. Since credit and session approvals vary by state, you can check your state's approval status on Selected's Continuing Education page.
NOTE: Members seeking continuing education in Canadian Provinces can contact or call 800-323-4219 to request session/speaker details in order to directly submit an application on your own behalf to your Province(s) of choice.
- If adding a spouse or guest, be sure to select the Participant Type as “Spouse/Guest (attending meals only)”.
- Bring the family to this year’s Welcome Celebration on Wednesday, September 25 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for dinner, drinks, and photo opportunities with Disney® characters! Children’s price (12 and under) includes photo opportunity and a special buffet. There is also a children’s price (12 and under) for breakfast on Saturday, September 28.
2. Register to Attend Virtually (Livestream)
Registration for the Livestream closes on Friday, September 20, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. CDT.
Registration price for the first participant is $99.00.
Registration price for each additional participant is $20.00.
This registration offers access to several educational sessions during the meeting. (See the Virtual Meeting Schedule for full details.)
Access information will be sent to the email address(es) you provided during the registration process, so be sure to check your inbox (or other folders). Registration includes access to all livestreamed content during meeting hours.
Registration price per participant is an additional $200.00. Participants wanting continuing education need to add the CE option during the registration process.
Selected understands CE credit is a top priority for many members. Selected has been approved by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice for 9.0 contact hours of continuing education credit, which equals 0.9 CE Units in Category B (provider #10240) and has applied to all states requiring CE. For a list of approvals received, click here.
To ensure Selected can verify your attendance, you will be asked to provide your name, state(s)/province(s) in which you require credit, and Funeral Director Number and/or Embalmer Number in the chat. Registration includes access to all livestreamed content during meeting hours.
3. Non-Member Continuing Education Registration
As always, non-members are welcome to register and participate in CE sessions. We do, however, keep specific members-only sessions as noted in the agenda. Contact to request more information.
Contact Selected or call 800-323-4219.
View Your Schedule
Who Will Be Participating
Participants are automatically added to the list when registered.