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Past European Meetings
2024 European Group Autumn Meeting
A total of 46 attended Selected's European Group Autumn Meeting November 12 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London.

Selected’s European Group members connected for their Summer Meeting June 6-9.
On Thursday, June 6, members enjoyed dinner at the hotel and went on a Tivoli tour.
Friday, the day began with Birgit Baltzer opening the conference. Ole Jakobsen, Director of Danish Prayer Warriors, gave a presentation about the industry association and “My Last Will.” Members had breakfast at Restaurant Herta valley v. Ledreborg. After breakfast, John Munro led a tour at Ledreborg Forest Cemetery. This was followed by a private tour in Roskilde Cathedral and dinner at the Greenhouse. The day concluded with a tour through Copenhagen "by knight."
On Saturday, Flemming Petry from Tommerup Heilskov coffins shared insights into the company's history and talked about coffins and urns with a focus on Danish design and sustainability. Rasmus Skaarup from Nem Bedemaend explained how the workflows in Denmark work and what the system can do. After this presentation, members visited Tåstrup funeral home and discovered what a Danish funeral home looks like. Priest Thomas L. Part of Taastrup New Church and the cemetery shared remarks. The group enjoyed breakfast in the parish yard in Taastrup Nykirke. This was followed by a presentation from Michael Rhode-Petersen from Danish Stone Cutters about tombstones and the culture around tombstones and recycling. The day concluded with a gala dinner at the hotel.
The conference concluded on Sunday with a video presentation about AI in the funeral industry and a delicious brunch.
Selected thanks Jossie Baltzer of Tåstrup Bedemandsforretning for hosting this event.

Selected’s European Group members connected for their Spring Meeting April 5-7. Thanks to Karl Albert Denk and his family for hosting the European group in Bologna, Italy.
The meeting in Italy was the perfect mix of business and Italian lifestyle. We were all able to take away new ideas for our business and, as always, had great conversations. The mix of different nations is what makes these meetings so special.
Past Pacific Meetings

Selected’s Pacific Group members connected for their Autumn Meeting May 16-18. The meeting began on Thursday evening with a meal at Ahmets Turkish Restaurant.
On Friday a business session was held from 9.00 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Rydges Southbank followed by a tour of the Alex Gow Funerals facility in the suburb of Geebung.
They met on Friday afternoon at the Great Northern Garden of Remembrance Crematorium and Memorial Gardens (GNGOR). Alex Gow Funerals purchased this facility from Invocare (formerly SCI) in August 2011. Afternoon tea was followed by the business session in the chapel.
Saturday morning was a visit at the Redland Crematorium and Memorial Gardens (RCMG) in the suburb of Thornlands in the city of Redland Bay. This facility is owned and has been designed by Alex Gow Funerals and is currently still under construction. After a tour of the facility and morning tea, the final business session was held in the partly constructed chapel.
Lunch was enjoyed at The Lighthouse Restaurant over looking Redland Bay.
Free time was available to explore Brisbane’s South Bank before heading to the Gabba Stadium to see the Brisbane Lions 163 thrash the Richmond Tigers 44 in a game of Aussie Rules.
The meeting concluded with dinner at the Rustic Olive.
Selected thanks Brett and Anita Gow of Alex Gow Funerals for hosting this event.

Selected’s Pacific Group members connected for their Summer Meeting October 26-29.
Topics for discussion included Chat GPT and funeral service, staff training, post-service
surveys, variations of direct cremation services, after-hours on-call structures, staff
recruitment and retainment, preneed marketing and alternative disposal methods.
A great lineup of speakers was selected for the event. Mortuary technician Heidi Stoll
presented on casting. Senior administrator Marie-Louise presented data on death
statistics across the Australian subcontinent. Finally, Morris O’Connell shared remarks
from his experience as a frontline relief worker in Ukraine.
“Being a part of Selected is so valuable in business and in personal growth,” said event
hostess Claire Forgie of Taylor & Forgie Funeral Directors. “I have many more years
ahead of me and each meeting I come away with ideas to implement and solutions to
everyday difficulties.”
Selected thanks Claire and her
father Mark for hosting this event.